Meet the Expert

Craig Lind
Owner, Lind Consulting LLC
- 27 years engaged in hands-on problem solving to help companies assess options for improvement, develop realistic business models and turn around unprofitable operations.
- Lind Consulting clients have included: Vinfolio, Master Replicas, El Camino Surgery Center, Shamrock Materials, Panamax, and Coit Services.
- As Managing Director of Regent Pacific Management Corporation, clients included: Scientific Micro Systems, Supermac Technologies, Uniquest, Daisy Cadnetix, Kraftmart, Prudential Bache, Chartpak and Clearprint.
Meeting Packages from $500

Your Meeting Package Includes:
- All 7 Best Practices
- Pre-Meeting Discovery Process
- One-on-One Call with Expert
- Meeting Summary Report
- Post-Meeting Engagement

Company Turnarounds - Paths Forward and Out of Trouble
Owner, Lind Consulting LLC
Turnarounds require senior leaders with excellent people skills. Leaders need to work with people to bring out the best in them under pressure. This applies to employees, vendors, financial institutions, and shareholders. Communication, clarity and compassion are critical throughout the process.
Other key leaderships skills include:
Other key leaderships skills include:
- Calmness under pressure – do not panic!
- The ability to focus and to be objective.
- The ability to generate actionable management information about a business: This means not just gathering data but also the ability to interpret and translate that data into information that is useful to making decisions.
- Openness to change.
- Ability to provide an encouraging, positive atmosphere for employees and to install confidence in stakeholders.
Company Turnarounds - Paths Forward and Out of Trouble:
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