A company that is in danger of failure usually represents a new situation for senior managers.
It’s unfamiliar, it’s uncomfortable and it requires a new set of skills. But a turnaround brings with it an incredible opportunity to improve the performance of a company.
A company faced with a turnaround must confront two urgent issues: cash and credibility. Then it needs to create a realistic turnaround plan, and that requires looking at the business objectively, removing all preconceived notions and questioning the most sacred assumptions.
The process provides the building blocks for the turnaround – and a future even more exciting and profitable than the company's past.
It’s unfamiliar, it’s uncomfortable and it requires a new set of skills. But a turnaround brings with it an incredible opportunity to improve the performance of a company.
A company faced with a turnaround must confront two urgent issues: cash and credibility. Then it needs to create a realistic turnaround plan, and that requires looking at the business objectively, removing all preconceived notions and questioning the most sacred assumptions.
The process provides the building blocks for the turnaround – and a future even more exciting and profitable than the company's past.
Meet the
Craig Lind

Owner, Lind Consulting LLC
San Francisco, CA
- English
Expert Topic:
About Craig
- 27 years engaged in hands-on problem solving to help companies assess options for improvement, develop realistic business models and turn around unprofitable operations.
- Lind Consulting clients have included: Vinfolio, Master Replicas, El Camino Surgery Center, Shamrock Materials, Panamax, and Coit Services.
- As Managing Director of Regent Pacific Management Corporation, clients included: Scientific Micro Systems, Supermac Technologies, Uniquest, Daisy Cadnetix, Kraftmart, Prudential Bache, Chartpak and Clearprint.
Lind Consulting LLC
Nov, 1996
- Provides hands-on problem solving to help companies grow. Approximately 50 percent of the firm's activity is related to helping fix troubled companies, and the other 50 percent to boosting the growth of successful businesses.
- The firm was founded as Lind/Fitzsimons LLC in 1996 and changed its name to Lind Consulting LLC in 2005.
Managing Director
Regent Pacific Management Corporation
Nov, 1987
Nov, 1996
- Regent Pacific is a turnaround and crisis management firm that specializes in parachuting into particularly troubled situations, taking control, performing triage, trimming costs and then working to either turn around the business or sell off its parts.
- Clients included Scientific Micro Systems, Supermac Technologies, Uniquest, Daisy Cadnetix, Kraftmart, Prudential Bache, Chartpak and Clearprint.
Chief Financial Officer
HydroPool, Inc.
Jul, 1985
Sep, 1987
- HydroPool was a company that developed and acquired hydroelectric power projects in California, Oregon and Washington.
- Led financial strategy to option and pool together projects in preparation for a pro forma public offering.
Assistant Vice President
R. H. Chappell Company
- Managed private placements and direct investments of debt and equity capital in early stage technology and consumer companies.
- R.H. Chappell was a venture capital and merchant banking firm with funding provided primarily by U.K. financial institutions.
- Portfolio companies included Tekna, Xytec, Yost Lighting, Microbio Resources and OEMtek.
Financial Analyst
Smith Barney, Harris Upham & Co.
- Financial analyst in Smith Barney’s corporate finance group.
- Engaged in public offerings, private placements, mergers, acquisitions and fairness opinions.
- Clients included Xidex, U.S. Leasing and Sherman Clay.
University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business
MBA, Finance, 1991
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
BS, Business Administration, 1981
University of Oslo
Norwegian, Philosophy, 1978
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