Meet the Expert

Craig Lind
Owner, Lind Consulting LLC
- 27 years engaged in hands-on problem solving to help companies assess options for improvement, develop realistic business models and turn around unprofitable operations.
- Lind Consulting clients have included: Vinfolio, Master Replicas, El Camino Surgery Center, Shamrock Materials, Panamax, and Coit Services.
- As Managing Director of Regent Pacific Management Corporation, clients included: Scientific Micro Systems, Supermac Technologies, Uniquest, Daisy Cadnetix, Kraftmart, Prudential Bache, Chartpak and Clearprint.
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Company Turnarounds - Paths Forward and Out of Trouble
Owner, Lind Consulting LLC
Defined Terms
- Business metrics
Methods for measuring, comparing and tracking the performance of business operations.
- Change management
- A systematic process for implementing major change in a company at organizational, group and individual levels.
- Crisis management
- A short-term plan that involves emergency cash management, communication with stakeholders and the formulation of a longer-term turnaround plan. Crisis management allows a company to stay afloat while it plans its turnaround.
- Critical process improvement
- Making improvements in crucial areas that may have an immediate impact on the profitability of a business such as fast changes in sales and marketing tactics, cost reductions, quality improvements, etc.
- Situation analysis
An in-depth review, analysis, and assessment of a business and its current condition.
- Special Assets Group (SAG), Credit Resolution Group (CRG)
Names given to the troubled loan departments at banks. Once covenant defaults have been triggered, a company will often be transferred from its usual relationship officer to a bank's Special Asset Group or Credit Resolution Group.
Company Turnarounds - Paths Forward and Out of Trouble:
Defined Terms
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