Meet the Expert

Terry Mughan PhD
Director/Partner, CLIA Consulting
- Current research focuses on two main areas – cross-cultural competence and business internationalization, particularly medium-sized companies. Recent focus emerging from these two fields is new forms of open, collaborative, user-led innovation and their impact on business growth and social networks.
- Fluent in French and German and knows the institutional infrastructure supporting business entry in Europe's largest markets.
- Work exploits the links between foreign language competence, intercultural competence and international management processes.
- Led projects funded by UK government, the European Commission and the OECD, mainly researching small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Currently involved in a European project looking at obstacles to SME penetration of the assistive technologies market.
- Consulted on exporting, business growth strategy, international HR strategy and innovation.
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International Expansion and Development into Europe
Director/Partner, CLIA Consulting
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Do your country profile analysis (CPA) and develop your market information resources.
Draw up your European market and language map.
Audit your company's existing resources.
Define a policy for language use, including general language skills.
Identify key mediators (distributors, translators, legal reps, etc.) for each of your markets.
Build a program for training key personnel that is strategic.
Develop 'language general skills' and market knowledge.

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International Expansion and Development into Europe:
Best Practices
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