Expert Topic
International Expansion and Development into Europe
Taking a product to international markets can increase your revenues, diversify your risk, and inform new product development.
However, when you expand internationally, you need to be very careful about who you hire to help you, researching your market and being savvy about the cultural and language issues that you will inevitably face.
When you go to market in Europe, regional and local differences can be particularly acute, so prepare accordingly. Also, building a company knowledge bank that will support everyone in the company is a wise investment.
However, when you expand internationally, you need to be very careful about who you hire to help you, researching your market and being savvy about the cultural and language issues that you will inevitably face.
When you go to market in Europe, regional and local differences can be particularly acute, so prepare accordingly. Also, building a company knowledge bank that will support everyone in the company is a wise investment.
Meet the
Terry Mughan PhD

Director/Partner, CLIA Consulting
Victoria, British Columbia
- English
- French: Français
- German: Deutsch
Expert Topic:
About Terry
- Current research focuses on two main areas – cross-cultural competence and business internationalization, particularly medium-sized companies. Recent focus emerging from these two fields is new forms of open, collaborative, user-led innovation and their impact on business growth and social networks.
- Fluent in French and German and knows the institutional infrastructure supporting business entry in Europe's largest markets.
- Work exploits the links between foreign language competence, intercultural competence and international management processes.
- Led projects funded by UK government, the European Commission and the OECD, mainly researching small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Currently involved in a European project looking at obstacles to SME penetration of the assistive technologies market.
- Consulted on exporting, business growth strategy, international HR strategy and innovation.
Senior Partner
CLIA Consulting
- Specializes in cross-cultural learning and integration, and in helping companies make the most of their global footprints.
- Research projects: "Biculturalism and People of Miixed Cultural Identities as the New Workplace Demographic;" "The Languages of Strategy: How the Language Used by Top Management Teams Enhances or Inhibits Strategic Agility."
- Industry projects: "Distilling the Essence of Tesco." May-October, 2011. Trained 9 managers from Tesco’s Asian Stores to conduct an internal ethnography of Tesco UK.
- Integration advisor, top management team coach at Spansion, Ltd, previously a joint venture between Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and Fujitsu in flash memory technology.
Associate Professor of International Business
University of Victoria - Gustavson School of Business
Jul, 2012
- Developing ideas for research project examining how exporting companies leverage international markets to develop and grow their business in ways which are not easily captured by quantitative metrics such as revenues.
- Examining how these companies develop collaborative links with external agents such as public or 3rd sector entities.
- Current interests include the role of intercultural communication in open innovation networks between companies, universities and government support bodies.
Professor of International Management
Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
- Conducted international business research projects funded by UKTI, the East of England Development Agency, the European Commission and the OECD.
CLIA Consulting
- 2009, member, review panel, "Critical Perspectives on International Business," (CPoIB), Emerald.
- 2008, training consultant, Blessing White Europe
- 2007, external examiner, Doctoral Programmes, University of Durham
- 2008, evaluation consultant, Emerging Technologies Programme, UK Trade and Investment
- 2008, consultant-intercultural business, CILT (The National Centre for Languages)
- 2008-10, member, Thematic Forum on Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning, Directorate - General for Education and Culture
- 2007, external assessor, M.A. in Intercultural Communication, University of Sheffield
- 2007-2008, member, Steering Group on National Occupational Standards in Intercultural Working
- 2007, adviser to the Entrepreneurship Department, Directorate-General Enterprise and Industry, European Commission
- 2005-2006, consultant, "Removing Barriers to SME Access to International Markets," Department for Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Paris, France and APEC.
- 2005-2006, project director, H.I.G.H.E.R., (High International Growth and the Higher Education Resource) i10 Partnership, Higher Education Innovation Fund. Department of Education and Science
- 2005-2009, external assessor, International Management B.A. programmes, Staatliche Berufsschulen, Baden-Wuertemmberg, Germany
- 2005-2006, Anglia Ruskin team leader, ICOPROMO (Intercultural Competence for Professional Mobility), funded by LEONARDO with the Universities of Coimbra, Linz and Jaen
- 2005-2006, Anglia Ruskin representative, ICOPROMO Project, associated to the European Centre for Modern Languages, Council of Europe
- 2004 - 2005, reviewer, IMD Division, Academy of Management Conference, Hawaii
- 2004, director, consulting and development, Centre for International Business Research and Development, Ashcroft International Business School, Anglia Ruskin University
- 2003-2004, research project manager, UK Trade and Investment, East of England
- 2003, review consultant, East of England International Trade Strategy
- 2002-2003, joint project leader, "Competing Effectively in International Markets," research and development project funded by EEDA to £180,000
- 2002, training consultant, Global Business Acumen Programme, The Generics Group
- 2001- 2002, consultant, Cendant International Assignments, Hammersmith, London
- 2000-2001, coordinator, International Learning Product Development for Regional Businesses and Individuals, AHERO 2001
Anglia Ruskin University
PhD, International Business, 2010
Aston University
M. Sc., European Studies, 1987
University of London
PGCE, Education, 1979
University of Lancaster
BA, 1977
Keynote Speeches
- "SMEs and the New International Business Space," delivered to the European Commission.
- "Small Business Internationalization", French Ministry of Economy, Paris
- Lecturer, Wolverhampton Polytechnic, 1986-92
- 2011, “The Role of Export Promotion Service Use on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Goal Achievement: A Multidimensional View of Export Performance”, with Durmusoglu S., Apfelthaler G., Zamantili Nayir D., R.International Marketing Management.
- 2010, "The Internationalisation of Business: Educational Paradigms and Challenges," with Kyvik O., Journal of International Business Education 5: 179-200.
- 2007, "Advancing Entrepreneurial Boundaries: A Critical Reflection on Understanding and Supporting the International SME," with Lloyd-Reason, L., and Sear, L., Review of International Comparative Management, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Vol. 8, pp. 79-99, ISBN 1582-3458.
- 2006, "Foreign Language Use Among Decision-Makers of Successfully Internationalised SMEs: Questioning the Language-Training Paradigm," with Knowles, D. and Lloyd-Reason, L., in Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol. 13, No. 4, 2006.
- 2006, "Building the International SME: A Global Policy Response’, with Lloyd-Reason, L., Review of International Comparative Management, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Vol. 7, pp. 262-283, ISBN 1582-3458.
- 2004, "Management Consulting and International Business Support for SMEs: Needs and Obstacles," with Zimmermann, C., and Lloyd-Reason, L., Journal of Education and Training.
- 2003, "Addressing Entrepreneurial Boundaries: A Critical Reflection on Understanding and Supporting the Internationalisation of SMEs," with Lloyd-Reason, L., and Sear, L., proceedings of the 48th International Council for Small Business (ICSB) World Conference, Belfast, UK, June.
- 2013, "The Market for SME Innovation in Health Care: Can Open Innovation Help Overcome Embedded Inefficiencies? Evidence from the CURA B Study," Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual Conference, May.
- 2013, "Language, Semantic Space and Global Organizations,’ with Mary Yoko Brannen and Fiona Moore, Organization Studies Journal conference proceedings on the Day-to-Day Life of Culture and Communities, Mykonos, Greece, May.
- 2013, "Leveraging Inside-Out Bicultural Knowledge to Reinvent the Core: The Case of Tesco Plc," with Mary Yoko Brannen and Fiona Moore, Academy of Management Annual Meeting proceedings, Lake Buena Vista FL, August.
- 2012, "Leveraging the MNC’s Global Footprint: Praxis-Based Evidence of Organizational Learning," with Mary Yoko Brannen, Fiona Moore, Christopher Voisey and John Weeks, Academy of Management, Boston.
- 2012, "Innovation in Telehealth in Europe: Ecosystem Obstacles to SME Penetration and Growth," with Greg O’Shea and Saeed Sadighi, Open and User Innovation Conference, Harvard Business School.
- 2011, "The Market for Innovation in Healthcare in Europe: Can Open Innovation Help Overcome Embedded Inefficiencies?" MCPC 2011, University of California, Berkeley.
- 2010, "Languages, Culture and Sense-Making," keynote paper, 1st International HUB Conference, Hogeschool/Universiteit Brussels.
- 2012, Section Editor, "Aspects of Language and Communication," Routledge Companion to Cross-Cultural Management, due for publication in 2015.
- 2011, co-lead with Brannen M-Y, "The Essence of Tesco," funded by Tesco plc.
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