Meet the Expert

Wayne Pinkstaff
President, Halcyon Investigative Consultants
- 40 years experience in product and supply chain integrity as an investigator and advisor
- 29 years experience with U.S. Government agencies investigating and prosecuting import and export crimes and high technology and munitions theft
- Consults with consumer goods and industrial clients in anti-counterfeiting, and security of personnel, supply chain and facilities
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Import Controls - Product Protection
President, Halcyon Investigative Consultants
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RegisterĀ and record all trademarks and copyrights in order to protect intellectual property rights.
Subsequent to registration of trademarks and copyrights with the U.S. Patent Office and/or U.S. Copyright Office, priority consideration should be given to recording trademarks/copyrights with U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
Identify potential and/or current threats to the business as they relate to the protection of its brand(s).
Identify the magnitude of threat or concern to the business.
Develop an action plan that is a collaborative effort between all departments, including legal, compliance, sales, manufacturing, and external experts.
Develop liaison and/or training programs for law enforcement and other governmental entities at all levels.
Regularly check the ethics and legitimacy of your business partners, including suppliers, distributors and customers.

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Import Controls - Product Protection:
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