Expert Topic
Import Controls - Product Protection
With globalization and expanded manufacturing capabilities in dozens of countries, trafficking of counterfeit goods is increasing in the United States and around the world.
It costs legitimate businesses billions of dollars a year in lost sales and damaged reputations while sometimes endangering consumers.
Manufacturers are finding a need to take steps at home and abroad to protect intellectual property, track down counterfeiters and traffickers, warn retailers and cooperate with authorities.
The cost of ignoring this problem is high.
It costs legitimate businesses billions of dollars a year in lost sales and damaged reputations while sometimes endangering consumers.
Manufacturers are finding a need to take steps at home and abroad to protect intellectual property, track down counterfeiters and traffickers, warn retailers and cooperate with authorities.
The cost of ignoring this problem is high.
Meet the
Wayne Pinkstaff

President, Halcyon Investigative Consultants
Monument, CO
- English
Expert Topic:
About Wayne
- 40 years experience in product and supply chain integrity as an investigator and advisor
- 29 years experience with U.S. Government agencies investigating and prosecuting import and export crimes and high technology and munitions theft
- Consults with consumer goods and industrial clients in anti-counterfeiting, and security of personnel, supply chain and facilities
Halcyon Investigative Consultants
Jan, 2012
- Consulting and program design services for counterfeit interdiction and prevention
- Security of personnel, facilities, and supply chain
- Consumer goods and industrial clients
Regional Security Manager
Altria Group, Inc.
- Security Manager - Western Region.
- Altria Group, Inc. previously named Phillip Morris Companies, Inc.
- Investigated cigarette counterfeiting activity, resulting in prosecutions and confiscation of merchandise with street value of up to $5MM.
- Persuaded law enforcement to pursue cases based on investigation findings.
- Trained law enforcement officers on connection between counterfeiting activity and organized crimes and terrorist groups.
Assistant Director
- Regional Director of Asset Protection
- Oversaw the security of personnel and merchandise in 7 distribution centers and merchandize transport to retail stores throughout Western U.S.
Resident Agent in Charge
United States Customs Agency
- Resident Agent in Charge, Los Angeles International Airport. Supervised all Customs investigation activities at Los Angeles International Airport, including investigations of counterfeits and narcotics imports and drug proceeds exports (1992-2000).
- Group Supervisor, National Narcotics Border Interdiction Service, for investigation of illegal export of high technology and munitions (1989-1991).
- Assigned by the U.S. Vice President as the Customs Representative to the National Narcotics Border Interdiction Service, a multi-agency task force conducting customs investigations (1987-1988).
- Agent investigating illegal imports (counterfeit foods and drugs) and exports (high technology and munitions). Cases included investigation of illegal transfer of C-130 planes to Libya (1986-1988).
U.S. Department of Commerce
- Department of Commerce drives U.S. competitiveness in the global marketplace and works to strengthen the international economic position of the United States
- Facilitate global trade by opening up new markets for U.S. goods and services
- Established DOC's office in Silicon Valley
- As Group Supervisor, investigated illegal exports of high technology to banned countries such as the Soviet Union, North Korea, and Bulgaria
Bureau of Alchohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
- ATF is a unique law enforcement agency in the United State Department of Justice that protects our communities from violent criminals, criminal organizations, the illegal use and trafficking of firearms, the illegal use and storage of explosives, acts of arson and bombings, acts of terrorism, and the illegal diversion of alcohol and tobacco products
- Investigated, served search warrants, and testified in court regarding arsons, bombings, and smuggling operations
- Identified company responsible for and halted delivery of helicopters illegally bound for North Korea
California State University, Long Beach
BA, Criminal Justice, 1971
Keynote Speeches
Presentations and formal training relating to domestic and international smuggling of counterfeit merchandise provided to governmental agency conferences, including foreign organizations.
Governmental conferences relating to counterfeit products and their relationship to criminal/terrorist organizations.
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