Meet the
Max Shapiro

Skills and Expertise: What's this?
About Max
- Founded PeopleConnect to help early-stage high-tech companies find the talent they need to succeed.
- Clients in technology, biotech, cleantech, apps, services, medical devices, and consumer products.
- Angel investor and member of Keiretsu Forum since 2001.
- Co-founder of Runway Incubator.
- Producer of three monthly pitch events: PitchForce, San Francisco ElevatorPitch, and Silicon Valley ElevatorPitch.
- Former Chief Talent Scout for Phoenix Suns.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
PeopleConnect Staffing
- Founder & CEO - contingency recruiting firm.
- See video - Max talks about the unique PeopleConnect Staffing model.
- To help startups while looking for funding, our one-of-a-kind Employees Without Paychecks program finds key executives who will work for equity for the first few months.
Angel Investor
Keiretsu Forum
- Believing that you should put your money where your mouth is, I have been an active angel investor for 12 years, and have worked with countless founders and CEOs to help them refine their presentations and to make the connections they need to build world-class teams.
Chief Talent Scout
Phoenix Suns
- Youngest talent scout in the history of the NBA and Chief Scout for the Phoenix Suns.
- Built a company that produced sports camps for children and basketball fantasy camps for adults.
- Partnered with some of the greatest names in sports including Mickey Mantle, Willie Mays, Pat Riley, Magic Johnson, John Wooden and Billy Casper.
Washington University, St. Louis
Packages with Max starting from $400
Your Expert Package Includes:
Best Practices
Access to ALL Best Practices authored by TrustedPeer
Expert Max Shapiro on this topic.
Pre-Meeting Discovery Process
Review and analysis of your issue with pre-meeting discovery questions by Max, followed by
a 30- or 60-minute one-on-one call.
One+-on-One Call
Your (+colleagues) meeting is directed and focused from the first minute.
Meeting Summary Report
After your call, Max completes a Meeting Summary Report to provide you with the
session’s discussion topics, analysis, assessment and recommendations for next steps.
Post-Meeting Engagement
After your meeting, continue your relationship with Max
on your own, or with TrustedPeer’s support.