Meet the Expert

Thomas Klevorn PhD
Agricultural Life Sciences, Independent Consultant
- Twenty-plus years of leadership and business experience in agricultural and pharmaceutical life science businesses.
- Expertise includes: New product development from discovery to commercialization; science and technology investment options and opportunities; sales force productivity; licensing and intellectual property strategy; merger, acquisition and alliance value capture.
- Leader of research or business units for Syngenta, Pharmacia and Monsanto.
- Seven years in-country management experience in Europe and South America.
Meeting Packages from $495

Your Meeting Package Includes:
- All 8 Best Practices
- Pre-Meeting Discovery Process
- One-on-One Call with Expert
- Meeting Summary Report
- Post-Meeting Engagement

Turning Agricultural Life Science Innovations into Sustainable Business Results
Agricultural Life Sciences, Independent Consultant
- Nature Biotechnology | Compliance costs for regulatory approval of new biotech crops
- ipHandbook of Best Practices | Licensing Agreements in Agricultural Biotechnology
- Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | Development of an Agricultural Biotechnology Crop Product: Testing from Discovery to Commercialization
- Agbioscience as a Development Driver: Minnesota's Agbioscience Strategy
- Managing Ideas: Commercialization Strategies for Biotechnology
Turning Agricultural Life Science Innovations into Sustainable Business Results:
Expert Topic