Michael Donofrio
- Professor and Department Chair - Counter Illicit Trafficking - George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies
- Assistant Special Agent in Charge, Customs and Border Protection, Office of Internal Affairs, Department of Homeland Security
- Assistant Director (Programs), Department of the Treasury, U.S. Customs, Office of Investigations, Smuggling Investigations Division, Washington, DC
- Featured Speaker, 4th International Symposium on Terrorism and Organized Crime, Antalya, Turkey "Illicit Trafficking As A Wicked Problem"

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Human Trafficking - Compliance in Business and the Supply Chain
Key Trends
- Laws, regulations, conventions, protocols and awareness on behalf of governments and law enforcement is increasing in regard to human trafficking.
Both the U.S. government (via executive order) and the State of California recently passed legislation directly relating to human trafficking. More countries are becoming aware of the threat of human trafficking and are creating environments that identify and even prosecute violations.
Human trafficking and the outcomes of this horrible practice will find fewer and fewer places of harbor. The United Nations has made the prevention of human trafficking a top priority and every day businesses and managers engaged in this practice are discovered, fined, or prosecuted.- Trends in globalization have increased exposure of companies to victims of human trafficking.
Globalization has created an environment where supply channels, financial resources, markets, and opportunities can be found worldwide. Unfortunately, globalization has also created unprecedented exposure to labor pools that may be comprised of human trafficking victims.
- Exploitative working conditions are not ignored by the media, law enforcement, shareholders or investors.
Just search the Internet for "human trafficking" and businesses and the stories begin to pour forth. You've also heard the stories of major companies, clothing lines and manufacturers who were discovered with human trafficking victims in their operations.
Publicity of this type negatively reflects on the customer population. Investors, shareholders, and board of directors often react negatively to such practices.
- Human trafficking is one of the most severe violations of human rights.
Slavery in today's society. What more needs to be said? Victims are provided to companies to work in environments and conditions so harsh that they would leave if they possibly could, but they cannot.
They are forced to work to pay off fees related to their procurement, fees that would take years to and, in some cases, can never be paid off. Prisoners, adults or children are compelled to work, with no or little pay, and for so many hours in a week there is little time for health or hygiene.
People are locked inside of workplaces, stripped of their identity documents and are not free to leave. These are just some of the types of human rights violations that emanate from human trafficking.