Meet the Expert
Edie Goldberg PhD
President, E.L. Goldberg & Associates
- 25 years focused on the alignment and development of talent management processes with business strategy.
- 30 years of research at research institutions, universities, and consulting firms.
- Clients include: Allianz Life Insurance, Charles Schwab, Gap Inc., Genentech, Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, PG&E, San Francisco Fire Department, Sony Computer Entertainment America, Washington Mutual, and Williams-Sonoma.
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Talent Management
President, E.L. Goldberg & Associates
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Develop a Talent Management strategy that aligns with your business strategy.
Develop validated selection processes that are based on job analyses.
Follow evidence-based decision-making and workforce analytics.
Utilize career management processes that help employees set and achieve career goals.
Utilize performance management processes aligned with company strategy, culture and structure.
Develop performance management processes that encourage frequent feedback and coaching.
Identify high potential talent and accelerate its development.
Base promotions on skills needed at the next career stage, not just success in the current role.
Commit to succession planning to ensure your organization has the bench strength for growth.
Develop a competency model to create a common language around expected performance.

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