Meet the Expert

Don Transeth
Proprietor, The Brand Hotel
- Marketing founder of the EA SPORTS brand.
- EA Sports brand grew from $0 to a global #1 position with $1B in sales
- Developed strategy resulting in the iconic "It's in the game" tag line
- Brand/product marketing responsible for developing over 200 brand-defining TV commercials.
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Sports Marketing as a Brand Building Tool
Proprietor, The Brand Hotel
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Understand your product, your audience and your competition.
Position your product carefully and precisely.
Select your creative partners like your life depended on it.
Don’t try to be all things to all customers.
Carefully figure out the role the mobile phone can play.
Actively look for compatible companies who share the same customer and lifestyle.
Really understand the licensing deal before you commit.
Understand that marketing is about relationships.

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Best practices today.
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(applies towards first Expert Package with Don)

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Sports Marketing as a Brand Building Tool:
Best Practices
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