Meet the Expert

Jim Chappell
Managing Director, DoublEagle Management Group
- More than three decades in the high-technology software industry – leading, advising or consulting with 30 companies, most with less than 100 people at the time.
- Senior executive responsibilities across sales, business development, services, support, product and marketing functions for start-ups, early stage and public software companies.
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Sales Operations Strategy & Management
Managing Director, DoublEagle Management Group
Need help applying a Best Practice to your situation? TrustedPeer Expert
Jim Chappell is always
Create a clearly-depicted operating model and explain it to your employees in a way they can understand.
Conduct an annual review of the value drivers of the business.
Create a sales plan that is aligned with the company’s defined goal for value creation.
Conduct a periodic review of sales metrics across functional teams.
Develop a systematic way to assess your team’s alignment along the core factors for revenue.
Build a system for predicting revenue based on the way your unique business operates.

Access all 6 of Jim’s
Best practices today.
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Buy the full set for $100.00
(applies towards first Expert Package with Jim)

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Sales Operations Strategy & Management:
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