Meet the Expert

Chris Kostanecki
Managing Partner, Capital Pacific
- 25 years in Commercial Real Estate
- Founded Capital Pacific which has sold $5.2 B in commercial properties
- Specializing in roll out strategies to build new stores; monetizing existing facilities; estate strategies around real estate; 1031 exchanges; Joint Venture Capital; Forward Funding; shopping center and strip center sales; NNN leased property sales; single-tenancies around real estate.
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Risks and Opportunities for Investing in Brick-And-Mortar Retail Real Estate
Managing Partner, Capital Pacific
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Take advantage of 1031 tax-deferred exchanges to avoid capital gains on commercial property sales.
Include real estate strategies as part of your estate planning.
Develop strategies to monetize your commercial real estate.
Consider commercial real estate as an alternative investment option.
Consider the differences between leasing versus owning for your unique business needs.
Seek out buyer representation.
Create real estate development plans and work with a development partner to support business expansion.

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Best practices today.
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(applies towards first Expert Package with Chris)

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Risks and Opportunities for Investing in Brick-And-Mortar Retail Real Estate:
Best Practices
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