Meet the Expert
Demian Entrekin
Chief Technology Officer, Bluescape
- Expertise in SaaS business models and technologies, software design techniques and Portfolio Management techniques
- Founder/CEO/CTO for Innotas, Founder/Chief Architect for Convoy Corp and CTO at Teaching Channel
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Project Portfolio Management
Chief Technology Officer, Bluescape
See the first Best Practice free or
Purchase All Best Practices on this topic for $100.00.
Start simple.
Make sure that your company has defined what a project is.
Validate executive support: Make sure the executives who say they are in favor of PPM are actually in favor of implementing the system.
Identify a functional champion for PPM in your company.
Establish a clear set of prioritization tools that will help connect decision making to your company's goals.
Make sure the data you're getting will actually drive decisions.
Standardize with templates: Don't reinvent the wheel every time.
Create a single master dashboard with clear alignment keys.

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Best practices today.
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(applies towards first Expert Package with Demian)

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Project Portfolio Management:
Best Practices
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