Meet the Expert

Steven Feinberg
CEO, SF Global Sourcing
- 20-plus years servicing clients in need of outsourced manufacturing worldwide, including from China, Taiwan, South Korea, Poland, Israel and the U.S.
- Past Chairman of the Electronic Retailing Association and board member of the Europe Electronic Retailing Association.
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Outsourcing of Manufactured Consumer Goods and Promotional Materials
CEO, SF Global Sourcing
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Define specific product needs as much as possible from the beginning.
Source and vet vendors very carefully and thoroughly; this includes getting quotes.
Know that finalizing product specifications can require a lot of back-and-forth reviewing of several iterations of your product.
Have pre-production and final production samples made to insure the product meets your requirements; always approve final sample prior to mass production.
Know that quality control is an ongoing process.
Determine the product tests that will be required, including those by governments, as well as product liability responsibilities.
Know the import requirements for the country you are importing your product to, including labeling requirements for customs.

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Outsourcing of Manufactured Consumer Goods and Promotional Materials:
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