Meet the Expert

Francis Bassolino
Managing Partner, Alaris
- 20 years of management consulting specializing in three areas that focus on helping companies develop and implement global strategies for moving into and out of China
- Devise market entry strategies
- Construct and execute implementation plans
- Develop brand strategies
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Operations In China - Oversight and Leadership Support
Managing Partner, Alaris
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Trust but verify.
Develop talent in China and then transfer them to other areas.
Task people in your organization to gather alternate views and allow those alternate views to have a voice within the organization.
Collect market data and analysis, and verify and report it constantly.
Regularly recalibrate your strategy and tactics.
Conduct a random price discovery exercise to determine if your organization is still at market price with respect to key business drivers.
Conduct regular assessments and improvements of your operational assets.

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Operations In China - Oversight and Leadership Support:
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