Meet the Expert
Susan Skinner
Partner, NewsReadyNow
- Emmy Award-winning network producer with 15 years of journalism experience, 10 in network news
- CNN Producer (1995-2005) - Emmy for CNN’s 9/11 coverage
- Field producer for FOX News
- Co-founder and principal of NewsReadyNow providing training for professionals who find themselves speaking in front of a camera for broadcast news, YouTube or Skype or preparation for crisis management
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Media Crisis Management
Partner, NewsReadyNow
See the first Best Practice free or
Purchase All Best Practices on this topic for $100.00.
Establish a comprehensive plan to deal with media crises.
Establish designated spokespeople who are trained to deal with the media.
Designate a crisis center.
Respond right away, and keep the information coming.
Monitor what's being said about you.
Use the right channels to reach your key audiences
Conduct a post-crisis review.

Access all 7 of Susan’s
Best practices today.
Best practices today.
Susan draws from years of experience to offer
you exclusive insights and tools.
Buy the full set for $100.00
(applies towards first Expert Package with Susan)

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Media Crisis Management:
Best Practices
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