Meet the Expert

Alden Taylor
Managing Partner, Strategic Insights
- Co-founder of Strategic Insights, with more than 30 years of expertise in strategic intelligence, general management consulting and financial management.
- Has led numerous client engagements in North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia focusing on strategy, market positioning, competitive intelligence, benchmarking, organizational effectiveness, and process improvement.
- Expertise spans multiple industries including: energy, franchising, financial services, health care, process manufacturing, consumer products, pharmaceuticals and telecommunications.
- Prior to co-founding Strategic Insights, was a Practice Leader for Business Intelligence Services at Kroll Associates and Citigate Global Intelligence.
- As the former president of BACK Management and Taylor & Company, helped clients improve their competitive positioning, exploit strategic advantages and identify potential merger and alliance candidates.
- At Cresap, a Towers Perrin Company, was a Vice President Global Practice leader.
- At the outset of his career, consulted on accounting systems, mergers and acquisitions and foreign business practices for U.S. and foreign clients at Arthur Young & Company (now Ernst & Young).
- Frequent conference leader and speaker for several industries and associations including: EXNET/Management Exchange, Edison Electric Institute, Planning Forum, United States Telephone Association, and American Management Association.
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The Mechanics of Competitive Intelligence
Managing Partner, Strategic Insights
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Establish a culture of information gathering and dedicate internal resources to it.
Protect your intellectual property by detecting and mitigating the illegal and unethical appropriation of know-how.
Focus on intangibles when doing due diligence for M&A, strategic partnerships and joint ventures.
Substantiate your strategic investment by understanding thoroughly your business environment, based on tightly-correlated information and relevant trends.
Assess your implementation risk prior to execution by identifying and anticipating the potential changes that can emerge during implementation.
Identify competitive impact by understanding what motivates competitive behavior as well as your competitor's decision-making processes.
Evaluate value chain relationships by using intelligence to gain "insight with implications" into the strategies, tactics and decision-making processes of key relationships.

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The Mechanics of Competitive Intelligence:
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