Meet the Expert

Eric Starkman
President, STARKMAN
- Co-founder and President of STARKMAN, a public relations, branding, and marketing firm with offices in New York City and San Francisco.
- Clients have included Fortune 100 companies, national not-for-profits, leading financial services firms, and startup companies.
- Previously held leadership positions at respected PR and investor relations firms, including senior vice president at The MWW Group, where he oversaw corporate communications and investor relations, and Morgen-Walke Associates, where he was responsible for the firm’s corporate communications practice.
- Worked as an editor and reporter at major newspapers in the U.S. and Canada, including The Wall Street Journal, American Banker, The Detroit News, The Toronto Star, and The (Montreal) Gazette. Earlier, he worked as a copywriter at W.B. Doner in Michigan.
- Eric is cited in the acknowledgements of four books written by leading financial journalists.
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Managing the Nuances of a Corporate Crisis
President, STARKMAN
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Don't underestimate the role of corporate culture.
Be prepared: Have a crisis management plan in place.
Know your crisis response team.
Move quickly to assess the severity of the crisis.
Do not delay your first communication.
Control your messages.
Be accessible, transparent, and honest.
Leverage technology to engage constituencies directly and have IT redundancies in place.
Be accountable.
Know when to seek expert help.
Identify third parties to advocate on your behalf.

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Best practices today.
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Managing the Nuances of a Corporate Crisis:
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