Meet the Expert

Jim Spitze
Chairman, SCC Sequoia
- 50-year career split 50/50 between serving as an IT executive and as an IT consultant.
- CIO for Xerox Data Systems, American President Lines, and Interim CIO for QANTAS, Lam Research, Tencor Instruments, Tri Valley Growers.
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Management of IT for Competitive Advantage
Chairman, SCC Sequoia
Defined Terms
- BYOD, or "bring your own device"
- A trend in business IT services in which employees use their own computers, laptops, tablets and phones to enhance mobility, agility and customer service. This has created a need in IT departments to manage many more operating systems and create robust security systems
- Traditionally, an acronym for chief information officer, and the person who leads information techhnology (IT) departments. As IT services evolve, departments are becoming more responsible for creating collaborative business processes that cut across the company lines and provide competitive advantage in the marketplace. For this reason, some now say that the term stands equally for such titles as chief imagination office, chief integration officer or chief innovation officer.
- SaaS
- An acronym for "software as a service," a software model in which applications are hosted by a vendor or service provider and provided to customers, normally over the Internet. This is a growing trend in which such basic business processes as email, payroll and so on are outsourced and operated in the cloud. It has created fundamental change in how IT departments work within a company structure.
- Systems development life cycle (SDLC)
- A process for planning, creating, testing, and deploying an information system. The concept encompasses the lifetime of a system from conception to obsolescence.
- Teamsmanship
- A coined term for the special leadership ability to mold and lead teams. The care and feeding of an important team must never be left to chance. The leader must be seen as accessible, as open to suggestions, as (at his/her core) totally committed to the project’s success.
Management of IT for Competitive Advantage:
Defined Terms
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