Meet the Expert

William Goure PhD
Chief Operating Officer, Acumen Pharmaceuticals
- More than 30 years of domestic and international experience in the discovery, development, registration, and commercialization of chemical and biotechnology products.
- Executive leadership roles with Acumen Pharmaceuticals, Mendel Biotechnology and Monsanto, managing corporate and commercial development, negotiating contracts, drafting and executing business plans, developing intellectual property protection strategies, building and leading high performance teams.
- International experience in market analyses, product development, regulatory and public acceptance, and commercialization.
- Author of two published pharmacological research articles related to Alzheimer's Disease and the holder of eight patents or patent applications.
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Linking Intellectual Property Protection to Core Business Objectives
Chief Operating Officer, Acumen Pharmaceuticals
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Create an intellectual property protection strategy linked to core business objectives for your organization.
Determine what intellectual property is necessary for the products or services of the organization.
Determine in what countries intellectual property protection is necessary for the products or services of the organization.
Determine which intellectual property should be kept as a “trade secret” and which intellectual property should be patent protected.
Create formal policies for determining which intellectual property can be publicly disclosed, under what circumstances, and in what formats.
Establish a clear linkage between the intellectual property strategy and research and development goals and deliverables.
Communicate the intellectual property strategy throughout the organization.

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Linking Intellectual Property Protection to Core Business Objectives:
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