Meet the Expert

Steve DeJarnett
Managing Director, Safer Harbor
- 25 years experience leading high-performing global product development teams, specializing in network security and security management.
- Experience in embedded software and hardware product development includes 12 years of development leadership at Cisco for products in the web services, Internet telephony, network and content security markets.
- Has led in-house and outsourced teams in India for more than 10 years; created groups and grew teams from 5 to over 50 employees; helped structure products and projects to get maximum benefit of U.S./India development work while minimizing the need for daily calls/meetings for coordination.
- Championed secure development practices at Cisco, focusing teams on processes to help improve the security of products from the initial design through implementation and bug-fix stages.
- Has spent virtually entire career working in multi-site development projects and has led multi-site development projects between the U.S., Europe and India
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IT Security - How To Prepare For and Respond To Data Breaches
Managing Director, Safer Harbor
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Understand what needs to be protected and secured.
Integrate industry-specific standards and all pertinent regulations or laws that mandate specific protection and security practices.
Name one person in the organization to oversee and take responsibility for security efforts.
Audit user accounts and enforce regular password changes.
Learn from your vendors.
Thoroughly vet cloud-hosted services on security capabilities.
Research, assess and exert some control over 'shadow IT' services.
Create and test a security breach response plan.
Monitor security systems 24x7 and act upon what they report.
Stay abreast of industry news and security issues.

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Best practices today.
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IT Security - How To Prepare For and Respond To Data Breaches:
Best Practices
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