Meet the Expert

Peter Finkelstein
Managing Partner, Upstart Logic
- Helping create successful executive management teams and high performance cultures.
- Director of Action Learning at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.
- Trained as a psychiatrist, my work as a consultant and executive coach unites my understanding of personality dynamics and requirements for effective leadership.
- Focused on way individuals and groups achieve the high level of coordinated effort necessary for entrepreneurial success.
- Clients include: VMware, Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Agilent Technologies, Microsoft, Sun Microsystems, Scios, Johnson & Johnson, Guernsey Engineering, Eli Lilly, Medarex, and FMC.
- Specialties: Change Implementation, Executive Coaching, Leadership Development, Innovation, Cultural Transformation, Strategic Advice and Consultancy.
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- All 7 Best Practices
- Pre-Meeting Discovery Process
- One-on-One Call with Expert
- Meeting Summary Report
- Post-Meeting Engagement

High-Performing Executive Teams
Managing Partner, Upstart Logic
See the first Best Practice free or
Purchase All Best Practices on this topic for $100.00.
Define a team purpose and create an ideal picture of team functioning.
Encourage inquiry with frequent, real questions.
Avoid cliques and monitor trust and team functioning regularly.
Use appropriate conversational skills for a given task.
Begin meetings with a quick "check-in."
Structure time to investigate and perfect team processes.
Ensure that the leadership team's culture echoes the desired company culture.

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Best practices today.
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(applies towards first Expert Package with Peter)

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