Meet the Expert

Jeanne Bradford
Principal, TCGen, Inc.
- Author of the book, "Innovate Products Faster: Graphical Tools for Accelerating Product Development" enabling companies to have both innovation and speed for clients from start ups to Fortune 100s
- 25 years of leading global organizations to deliver compelling products and technologies including Apple, Cisco and AOL
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High-Performance Product Development Teams
Principal, TCGen, Inc.
Risks & Opportunities
Risks association with low-performance teams:
- Lack of shared cross-functional accountability, which encourages functional allegiance at the expense of product or customer allegiance.
- Lack of core-team authority, which breeds teams that "wait to be told what to do," slowing cycle time and impeding innovation.
- Loss of high value talent.
- Inability to respond effectively to change.
Opportunities associated with high-performance product development teams:
- Better decisions faster:
- Core team model with shared accountability drives focus on the product/customer
- Core team works within boundary conditions -- faster decisions on all issues that fall inside the boundaries
- Clear roles with respect to who makes the decision, both inside and outside of boundaries
- Ability to adapt to change quickly and efficiently
- Greatly-reduced errors in execution:
- Less time wasted on chaos; more time spent on creativity/innovation
- Teams positioned for success; increased likelihood of creating winners reliably
High-Performance Product Development Teams:
Risks & Opportunities
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