Meet the Expert

Jeanne Bradford
Principal, TCGen, Inc.
- Author of the book, "Innovate Products Faster: Graphical Tools for Accelerating Product Development" enabling companies to have both innovation and speed for clients from start ups to Fortune 100s
- 25 years of leading global organizations to deliver compelling products and technologies including Apple, Cisco and AOL
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High-Performance Product Development Teams
Principal, TCGen, Inc.
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Create a lightweight product innovation process based on the concept of boundary conditions and the Out-Of-Bounds review process.
Compare product development core team staffing to best-in-class product development benchmarks by calculating the staffing ratios for your organization.
Manage organizational politics using the Attitude Influence Diagram.
Identify team leadership, critical functions and specific individuals responsible for these functions using the Project Team Wheel.
Use the Function Phase Matrix to help clarify cross-functional team objectives, roles and responsibilities, and to track deliverables across project phases.
Use the Schedule Prediction Accuracy tool to identify and quantify schedule risk.
Compare your functional team’s workload to best-in-class product development benchmarks using the Project Efficiency Chart.

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