Meet the Expert
Donald Holdsworth
Managing Director, Matchpower Consulting
- Experienced marketing line manager, management consultant with four decades experience esp. new product & market development.
- McKinsey senior advisor and partner, serving clients in retailing, consumer goods manufacturing, financial services.
- Business development and worldwide marketing for PricewaterhouseCoopers, Merck, PepsiCo.
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Facing the New Realities in Pharma and Biotech Marketing
Managing Director, Matchpower Consulting
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Identify the emotional drivers of prescriber decision making.
Tailor sales pitches to individual prescribers.
Aggressively pursue sales after patent expiry.
Navigate partnerships with confidence, clarity and savvy.
Address barriers to compliance and persistence.
Prioritize perception management.
Orient clinical trial design to more marketable claims.
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Facing the New Realities in Pharma and Biotech Marketing:
Best Practices
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