Meet the Expert

Eitan Milstein
Managing Director, CSG Partners
- Thirty years in financial services, involved in M&A, recapitalization, acquisitions and restructuring transactions, in providing senior debt, junior capital and equity to middle market and large corporations.
- Managing Director of CSG Partners focusing on ESOP transactions.
- Senior Vice President of GE Capital Media, Communications & Entertainment unit.
- Founder and CEO of Access Credit Corporation, an equipment finance company specializing in municipal leasing, maritime finance and advisory services.
- Developed a residual option product and was actively involved in acquiring options in excess of $1.5 billion of original value.
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ESOP Feasibility, Design and Implementation
Managing Director, CSG Partners
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Conduct a thorough feasibility study.
Ensure there's a next generation of management.
Prepare a confidential information memorandum.
Hire independent professionals with expertise in ESOPs.
Raise external capital to finance the ESOP transaction.
Explain ESOPs to employees thoroughly and frequently.
Structure a transaction to defer capital gains tax.

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ESOP Feasibility, Design and Implementation:
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