Meet the Expert

Andrew Salzman
Partner, The Chasm Group LLC
- Senior operating executive and global marketing leader for 30 years at companies in transition, including Kodak, Compaq, Siebel Systems, others in the U.S., Europe, and Asia-Pacific.
- Consultant for past 3+ years working with Geoffrey Moore, leading tech market strategy theorist ("Crossing the Chasm"), with clients at emerging, fast-growth, and large tech-based enterprises including LinkedIn, Kofax and others.
- Has specialized in growth strategies and plans for technology-based companies, including P&G, Kodak, Masterfoods, Compaq, Siebel, IRI, Saba, and now Chasm Group.
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Driving Transitional Growth for Tech-Based Businesses
Partner, The Chasm Group LLC
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Always start from a customer and market perspective.
Know your crown jewels and use them to decide your next area of growth.
Expand your product core or reinvent your category to solve more problems for your existing clients.
Use a market development framework to find target market initiatives.
Ensure that key mid-level managers across all functions participate in strategic decisions with shared accountabilities, alignment and buy-in.
Think in terms of 'systems of engagement' and business outcomes.
Staff your growth business differently than your core with different metrics and skill sets.

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Best practices today.
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Driving Transitional Growth for Tech-Based Businesses:
Best Practices
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