Meet the Expert
Worth MacMurray
Principal, Governance and Compliance Initiatives, LLC
- Works with global companies to prepare for ISO 37001 independent 3rd party audits
- Expertise in advising C-Suite, Board of Directors and operational personnel on regulatory compliance and supplier requirements, and related investigations
- Public and private company General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer experience with a wide range of corporate business, strategic and legal matters, including: M&A, SEC, IP licensing and protection, equity and debt financing, commercial dispute resolution, bid protests, government contracts, software revenue recognition, employment and strategic growth initiatives
- Member of the U.S. Technical Advisory Group for the ISO 37001 international standard for anti-bribery management systems
- Working territories - US, Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia/Pacific, and Africa
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Using Business Tools to Fight Bribery and Leverage FCPA Programs: ISO 37001
Principal, Governance and Compliance Initiatives, LLC
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Do a bribery risk assessment.
Conduct due diligence on agents.
Put controls in place.
Implement an anti-bribery policy and program.
Implement a policy-and-program training and communications plan.
Put program governance in place.
Delegate day-to-day program operational responsibility to a senior officer.
Respond to bribery allegations and apply lessons learned.
Document, document, document.
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Using Business Tools to Fight Bribery and Leverage FCPA Programs: ISO 37001:
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