Meet the Expert

Jonathan Dann
President, Jon Dann Communications
- 30-year TV news career, including staff producer for NBC’s "Dateline," encompassing new delivery platforms for digital storytelling.
- Recipient of three Peabody Awards, three duPont-Columbia Awards, and a Certificate of Special Merit from the Academy Awards.
- Won his third duPont-Columbia Award for producing the PBS special "War Stories from Ward #7D," which followed the struggles of Iraq War veterans suffering from traumatic brain injury. In 2011, he was a finalist for a Gerald Loeb Award for financial reporting.
- Produced the highest-rated program in CNBC history, "Marijuana Inc: Inside America’s Pot Industry." Hour-long documentary has aired more than 100 times and was nominated for a national Emmy.
- Other productions include "Tom Brokaw Reports: Boomer$!," two-hour documentary on the legacy and challenges of the baby boom generation, reported by NBC Senior Correspondent Tom Brokaw, with whom Dann collaborated for nearly a year as program creator and senior producer.
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Digital Storytelling
President, Jon Dann Communications
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Tell me a story.
Identify your audience and the message you want to convey.
When working with non-actors, casting and trust are key.
To find the best narrative, listen to the client.
Tap into the creative energy of your partners – and collaborate.
Do the preparation.
Stay flexible and be prepared to kill your darlings.
No surprises.

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