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Paul Danielsen
Managing Director, SolCarib BZ
- Extensive business development experience in both utility-scale and distributed solar.
- Responsible for over 40 MW of solar development in the U.S.
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Determining Feasibility Requirements for Solar/PV Project Development
Managing Director, SolCarib BZ
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Solar as an alternative energy source requires an internal evangelist to promote use of renewables, manage internal expectations and keep initiatives on track.
Sustainability officers and others need to understand the microenvironments and governing policies of each location they consider as part of the renewable energy strategic plan.
Know and be able to present to the financial community the risk profile of the asset and the warranties they require for financing 20-year power purchase agreements.
Conduct simulation research: Look at real cases in the marketplace and know the strengths and weaknesses in what others have done before.
Convincing decision makers requires a combination of emotional and rational appeals: Keep both types of arrows in your quiver and know when to use one vs. the other.
Solar adoption often entails a bidding process: Learn how to manage and win the RFP and bake-off process.
System costs, including during the development phase, are key; actively managing attorney fees is crucial for limiting runaway fees.

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Determining Feasibility Requirements for Solar/PV Project Development:
Best Practices
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