Meet the Expert
Paul Wiefels
Managing Director & Co-Founder, Chasm Group LLC
- Author of The Chasm Companion: Implementing Effective Marketing Strategies for High Technology Companies (HarperCollins, 2002)
- Representative clients include: Adobe, Affymetrix, AppDynamics, Brocade Communications, Citrix, Intel, Kofax, Pricer, Qmatic, Symantec, Verisign.
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Bringing Technology Products, Services and Companies to Market
Managing Director & Co-Founder, Chasm Group LLC
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Develop a “power plan” for your products and service, whether new or mature. Power trumps performance if you are to escape the pull of the past.
Create power performance metrics just as you would traditional performance metrics.
Create and review your market development plan across nine key, hierarchical and recursive factors.
People buy ideas before they buy products or services. Develop big ones. And make them fit on one page of paper.
Disruptive and/or discontinuous products and applications trump all the fuss over “branding.” Tech companies must get the first right before they can get the second.
Review your go-to-market practices regularly. Comp plans often dictate de facto strategy. Traditional solution selling assumes the solution is the correct one.
Create strategies that are time-based and are designed for exactly the challenges they face. Nothing less and nothing more.

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