Meet the Expert

John Phillips
President, Colony Marketing
- 25 years management and marketing experience with focus on brand strategy and product marketing
- Executive Marketing positions for Fortune 100, mid-size, and early-stage companies
- Brands include Sony children and family media properties, Colgate toothbrushes, Mennen Speed Stick, and Konica photo imaging products
- During tenure, Sony properties Sesame Street, Random House and Golden Family Entertainment properties earned 30+ RIAA gold and platinum awards, 2 Grammy awards, and 1 Emmy award
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Brand Strategy - Consumer Products and Services
President, Colony Marketing
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Get five things right: the brand's promise, identity, portfolio, message and experience.
Define the brand using five strategic statements.
Diagnose the brand before embarking on branding efforts.
Describe the brand with portfolio and product documentation.
Protect the brand with published standards and guidelines (the 'brand book').
Train the organization to master the three levels of brand knowledge.
Reinforce the brand with ardent representation.
Monitor the brand using research tools.
Audit the brand to ensure compliance.
Commit to the brand strategy cycle: define, design, deliver, evaluate.

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Best practices today.
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Brand Strategy - Consumer Products and Services:
Best Practices
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