Lindon Leader
- 35 years experience in strategic branding, logo design and identity management with major international branding consultancies and as owner/principal of Leader Creative.
- Clients have include FedEx, Hawaiian Airlines, Walt Disney Company, the NCAA, Motorola, Cigna, Ryder Systems, GlobeCast, and Hanley Wood.
- Recipient of the 2014 5th Annual Tribeca Disruptive Innovation Award and a Fellow of the Disruptor Foundation.
- Leader's work is included in the permanent collection of the Smithsonian Institution, and his FedEx logo was cited in the May 2003 Rolling Stone magazine twenty-fifth anniversary issue as one of the eight best American identities of the preceding twenty-five years.
- Design director for the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee, 1983-84.

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Brand Strategy and Corporate Identity Design
Defined Terms
- Attributes
The defining and distinctive qualities of a company or product (eg: reliable, safe, friendly). Attributes are the building blocks of a positioning and the basis for audience specific messages.
- Brand architecture
An organizing system or methodology that a company uses to brand and provide descriptive terms for itself, its business units, its products and its services.
- Brand champion
A senior level company manager who is responsible for leading and managing the development of a brand.
- Brand experience
The collective encounters one has with a brand, encompassing everything from seeing an ad and hearing someone talk about the product to walking into a store or going to a website.
- Brand identity
An integrated system of a proprietary name and graphics, and sometimes verbal and aural components, that distinguishes a company, product or service from others within a category.
- Brand integration
The coordination and alignment of brand elements across all product or service lines and across different markets.
- Brand positioning
The analytical process a company initiates to determine how it should situate its brand for optimal profit potential. Factors to consider are the brand’s image, competencies, industry, customers and competitors.
- Brand promise
An unwritten pledge or assurance of some measure of performance that a customer attaches to a brand.
- Brand strategy
Analysis of a brand’s industry, trends, regulations and competitors; options and recommendations for the brand based on these analyses; and a defined action plan. Brand strategy reflects a company’s mission, business strategy, values and culture, and successfully translates these into a meaningful, lasting customer experience.
- Brand
A generic, common, or commodity product or service that has been given characteristics and components that meaningfully differentiate it from others in its category, thus making the product or service proprietary or unique.
- Branding guidelines
Printed or electronic principles and practices that have been developed to guide company managers in the development and management of brands.
- Communications audit
A comprehensive survey of the various communications a company uses to tell its audiences about itself and its products and services. The survey uncovers strengths and weaknesses about a company and ascertains how a company talks about itself and what it talks about.
- Corporate identity
An integrated system of proprietary graphics (names, logotypes, wordmarks, symbols, colors, secondary graphic elements), verbal messages and sometimes aural components designed to represent a company and distinguish it within its industry.
- Corporate image
The combined total of all impressions, experiences or impressions a person has with a product, service or company. Corporate image can often be measured through qualitative and quantitative consumer research undertaken to help reshape a corporate, product or service identity.
- Logotype or logo
The stylized version of a company’s name using typography. "Logo” is a common term for a company’s identifying name or mark.
- Nomenclature system
A company’s system and practices for naming its business units, products and services and the relationship and connections they must have to each other. Typically, a nomenclature system would include the holding company, operating companies, subsidiaries and divisions, business units and all the products and services of these entities and the relationships among them.
- Perceptual map
An analytical tool used to demonstrate graphically where a brand’s current perception is and where it needs to move to achieve its desired perception. A client’s brand and competitive brands are graphed on an XY axis with different attributes at each axis.
- Positioning statement
A simple, concise written statement of the concept and parameters behind a brand, meant to convey a brand’s offering relative to competitors.
- Signature
The permanent position and relationship among a logotype with a symbol where applicable, and with a tagline where applicable.
- Tone and manner
The written or aural characteristics a communications piece must have to effectively reflect a brand’s personality.
- Value proposition
A delineation of the various benefits (functional, emotional, self-expressive) a brand communicates to develop a strong customer relationship.
- Visual metaphors
The use of symbolic images to characterize one or more of a brand’s attributes.
- Wordmark
A hybrid cross between a logotype and a symbol: a logotype with a graphic element interwoven within it.