Meet the Expert

Rick Bragdon
Chief Executive Officer, Idiom Brand Identity, Inc.
- 18 years of naming products - clients include: Kraft, General Mills, Tropicana, Nestlé, Quaker Oats, Fujitsu, GE, HP, Intel, AT&T, Electronic Arts, Louis Vuitton, Moet Hennessy, Bayer, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer
- President, Addison Design Consultants
- Advertising Manager - Pepsi-Cola Company - for Pepsi Challenge; marketing Manager for Pepsi Free and Slice
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Brand & Product Name Development
Chief Executive Officer, Idiom Brand Identity, Inc.
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Prepare name objectives that specify the desired meaning of the name being created.
Analyze the meanings, types and styles of names used to identify competitive companies or products.
Specify the name type that best supports your name's desired meaning and increases its likelihood of being registered as a trademark.
Determine your willingness to adopt and embrace a coined or compound name.
After agreeing to your new name's desired meaning, type and style, create dozens - even hundreds! - of names.
Facilitate name creation by building a list of words, catchphrases and idioms that express the name's desired meaning.
Avoid the creativity-crippling effects of "negativity bias" when evaluating name candidates.
Test names properly! Avoid using focus groups or choosing a name based on opinions of friends and family.
Do not "fall in love" with a name before your attorney has conducted a preliminary trademark search.

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