Meet the Expert

Wayne Mackey
Principal, Product Development Consulting, Inc.
- 20 years of hands-on management of large engineering, manufacturing, and procurement organizations focusing on product/service development, especially in areas of collaborative design, metrics, supply chain management, and business strategy implementation
- Clients include Fortune 500 companies, major universities (Stanford, MIT, Carnegie-Mellon University), and government agencies in product development, supply chain management, and rapidly implementing enterprise-wide change
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Applying the Voice of the Customer to Product or Project Requirements
Principal, Product Development Consulting, Inc.
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Follow the four stages of VOC: preparation, gathering, analyzing, and brainstorming solutions.
Use proven quantitative methods for analyzing customer data.
Use a choice model – a choice model determines how much and what type of VOC work is required based on a project's needs.
Apply Voice of the Customer to portfolio management in order to select only projects with highest potential value in the marketplace.
Product designers must have first-hand knowledge of how the customer uses the product.
Rather than asking customers how they would design your product, make it your aim to understand how the customer business.
Learn how to listen without bias or preconception and without leaping to a solution prematurely.

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Applying the Voice of the Customer to Product or Project Requirements:
Best Practices
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