Meet the Expert

Cory Walters PhD
Assistant Professor, University Of Nebraska - Lincoln
- Focus on the use of public (futures markets) and private (crop insurance) risk management tools to manage farm revenue risk.
- Investigates policy-important areas of federal crop insurance, fertilizer decisions, and environmental quality.
- President of a family-owned grain farm Montana producing wheat, canola, barley, and peas.
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Agriculture Insurance, Futures and Options for Optimal Farmer Decision Making
Assistant Professor, University Of Nebraska - Lincoln
Effective risk management in an agricultural setting requires a broad range of skills in production agriculture, macro- and micro-economics and technical ability in making use of grain markets. It also requires a suite of personal traits that support effective, objective analysis. Among needed skills:
- A personality that permits honest self-analysis of personal and business goals
- A logical, emotionally even-handed mindset
- An understanding of one's risk tolerance
- An ability to conduct an objective risk analysis
- Agronomic knowledge sufficient to understand yield and production risks
- A knowledge of the economics that drive grain markets
- A technical knowledge of how grain and futures markets work
- An ability to synthesize large amounts of data from multiple sources
- Knowledge of historical crop and market conditions
- An ability to adapt broad economic and market trends to individual cases
- Strong business management skills for understanding return on investment and relating costs to revenue goals
Agriculture Insurance, Futures and Options for Optimal Farmer Decision Making:
Expert Topic