Meet the Expert

John Berard
President, Credible Context
- President, Credible Context consultancy
- Board Member, International Association of Privacy Professionals
- Board Member, TRUSTe
- General Manager, Fitzgerald Communications
- General Manager, Fleishman-Hillard
- Deputy General Manager, Hill & Knowlton
Meeting Packages from $400

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- All 7 Best Practices
- Pre-Meeting Discovery Process
- One-on-One Call with Expert
- Meeting Summary Report
- Post-Meeting Engagement

Actionable Messaging and Competitive Positioning
President, Credible Context
Defined Terms
- Actionable messaging
- Actionable messaging is a pillar and mandatory component of any successful company's communications and marketing program. Actionable messaging is the manifestation of the power of a company's authentic voice to deliver well crafted information to its target audiences, stakeholders and the media in a way that compels those audiences to actively prefer, promote, or support the company in whatever endeavor it is undertaking at the time of the messaging.
- Competitive positioning
- Competitive positioning, which goes hand-in-hand with actionable messaging, is the second pillar and mandatory component of a successful communications and marketing program. It defines where a company, brand, product or service is situated on the marketplace relative to its competitors, and explains or demonstrates how and why it is different and unique and brings more added value to the consumer.
Actionable Messaging and Competitive Positioning:
Defined Terms
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