Meet the Expert

John Berard
President, Credible Context
- President, Credible Context consultancy
- Board Member, International Association of Privacy Professionals
- Board Member, TRUSTe
- General Manager, Fitzgerald Communications
- General Manager, Fleishman-Hillard
- Deputy General Manager, Hill & Knowlton
Meeting Packages from $400

Your Meeting Package Includes:
- All 7 Best Practices
- Pre-Meeting Discovery Process
- One-on-One Call with Expert
- Meeting Summary Report
- Post-Meeting Engagement

Actionable Messaging and Competitive Positioning
President, Credible Context
Target Audience
Investors in and CEOs of start-ups seeking to find a place in an existing market or create a new market segment; CEOs, VP of corporate public relations and CMOs of existing companies seeking to enter new markets, restate value to current markets or respond to increased or new competition.
CEO (as to reputation), CFO (as to access to capital markets), EVP sales & marketing (as to the length of the sales cycle), head of HR (with regard to access to candidates and retention of employees)
Enterprise technology, consumer technology, web services, any industry affected by the application of digital technology
From emerging to Fortune 500
Actionable Messaging and Competitive Positioning:
Target Audience
Expert Topic