Meet the Expert

Jim Follett
CEO / Founder, Trebuchet Impact Advisors, Inc.
- Expertise in KPIs and performance-based cultures gained across 5 companies as president, CEO or COO.
- Has re-engineered marketing information services of 5 companies to maximize growth and value.
- Helped position for sale: Authentic Response to reInvention, Medsite to WebMD, NOP World to GfK.
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Achieving Growth by Creating a KPI Management System and Performance-Based Culture
CEO / Founder, Trebuchet Impact Advisors, Inc.
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Purchase All Best Practices on this topic for $100.00.
Establish a measurement system that provides performance insights against the critical activities that drive the business.
Create a balanced scorecard of KPIs that reflect both short-term performance and longer-term health and strategic plan metrics.
Get executive team buy-in and alignment to the performance measurement criteria that will be adopted.
Assign clear accountability for the key activities and performance targets.
Run a purpose-driven meeting process for the executive team to review performance.
Link performance of what matters with bonus compensation.

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Best practices today.
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Achieving Growth by Creating a KPI Management System and Performance-Based Culture:
Best Practices
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