An enterprise risk assessment is the foundation of a bank's compliance program for anti-money laundering and Office of Foreign Assets Control regulations.
A risk assessment should be seen as an organic component of a healthy and well-functioning financial institution.
Often viewed as an onerous regulatory requirement, a risk assessment is in fact a valuable tool that provides leadership with data to support strategic growth.
A well-executed risk assessment allows an institution to maximize acceptable risk within a controlled environment, maximizing potential profit and shareholder value.
Meet the
Priscilla Rabb Ayres

Principal, L. Franklin Associates
Virginia Beach, VA
- English
About Priscilla
- Financial services risk and compliance expert with a 360-degree stakeholder perspective based on deep experience in and with financial institutions, government bodies, vendors and industry associations
- As Chief Regulatory Officer for IBM Global Financial Services Sector, initiated and managed collaborative relationships between IBM and regulatory bodies and launched IBM's global Extensible Reporting Language program
- Appointed the first Director of the Trade and Development Agency and worked in close coordination with Ex-Im Bank, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, World Bank, IFC, and regional MDBs such as the Asian Development Bank and the EBRD
L. Franklin Associates
- Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering (BSA/AML), Office of Financial Asset Control (OFAC) compliance, and Operational Risk
- Designs and implements assessments, gap analyses, remediation roadmaps, and BSA/AML and OFAC programs
Associate Partner
- Associate Partner, Risk and Compliance, Global Business Services (2006-2009)
- Financial Services Sector regulatory SME for the IBM solution set, with focus on governance and business process transformation. Develop and implement R&C solutions for the banking and securities industries that involve compliance programs for BSA/AML, OFAC, Fraud and Operational Risk. Deep knowledge of the Patriot Act, BSA, Gramm-Leach-Bliley, Basel II, FACTA, and SOX. Accomplishments and activities include: theDeveloped major infrastructure projects in emerging markets, and secured funding support for those projects from US government trade agencies and multilateral development banks design, implementation, and write-up of the BSA/AML and OFAC Risk Assessments for a top 10 banking organization; implementation of transaction monitoring systems; and development of ERM strategies and frameworks.
- Chief Regulatory Officer, Global Regulatory/Compliance Solutions (2004-2006)
- Chief Regulatory Officer for the IBM Global Financial Services Sector. Served as regulatory SME globally for development of Basel II, Operational Risk, SOX, BSA/AML, Fraud, and Data Governance,solutions. Accomplishments include: liason with FSS regulators; lead for IBM participation in the BITS Financial Institution Shared Assessment Program; originated the IBM XBRL cross-industry initiative; and served as FSS Chief Standards Solutions Officer for the IBM Corporate Standards Initiative
- Project Executive, Federal Civilian Agencies, IBM Gobal Business Services (2001-2004)
- Project Executive for major projects at GSA, the White House, National Archives, and Capitol Hill
- Executive Consultant, Economic Development, IBM Global Services (2000-2001)
- Originated and developed the IBM e-business economic development consulting practice for state and local governments
- International Business Development Executive, IBM Global Services (1996-2000)
- Developed major infrastructure projects in emerging markets, and secured funding support for those projects from US government trade agencies and multilateral development banks
Director, Global Finance Development
- Responsible for securing official funding support from U.S. Government trade agencies and multilateral development banks for telecommunications projects and equipment sales in emerging markets
Senior Deputy Director
U.S. Department of State
- Assistance to Emerging Democracies, Office of the Secretary
- Responsible for the design and implementation of private sector-led assistance to Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union
- Instrumental in the organization, structuring, and launch of the Polish-American and Hungarian Enterprise Funds, innovative vehicles designed to initiate indigenous commercial capital markets in the emerging democracies
U.S. Trade and Development Agency
- First Director of TDA as an independent agency, an undersecretary level position that requires senate confirmation
- TDA is a critical component of the Executive Branch commercial foreign assistance apparatus and works with the Export-Import Bank, OPIC, USAID, State Department, US Embassies, multilateral development banks, and foreign governments
Director, Office of Trade Finance, International Trade Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce
- Led the DOC ITA office responsible for trade finance policy and programs intended to boost US exports
- Coordination of US commercial banks, the Export-Import Bank, OPIC, Treasury and US companies
- USG delegate to the OECD Tied Aid Accord negotiations
Special Assistant to Deputy Assistant Secretary for Monetary Policy and International Finance
U.S. Department fo the Treasury
- Special assistant to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Monetary Policy and International Finance
- Prepared the USG contribution to the OECD Study on International Trade of Bank-related Financial Services
- Author of the Banking Section of the Interagency Committee on Services "First Biennial Report to Congress on the Competitiveness of US Industries"
- Author of domestic financial issues including Treasury debt structure and deregulation of financial institutions
Harvard Business School
MBA, Finance
Smith College
BA, History
Security Clearances
code word
- Director and Treasurer, World Affairs Council of Greater Hampton Roads (May 2011 - Present)
Keynote Speeches
- The 10th XBRL International Conference: "Regulation in the 21st Century: From Prescription to Collaborative Supervision"
- Risk and Compliance/Business Process Management Conference: "Regulatory and Policy Outlook" August 2004
- New York RACF Users Group Meeting: "Security for the New Era: Urgent Regulatory Imperatives" April 2005
- Prepared the USG contribution to the OECD Study on International Trade of Bank-related Financial Services
- Author of the Banking Section of the Interagency Committee on Services "First Biennial Report to Congress on the Competitiveness of US Industries"
- Author of domestic financial issues including Treasury debt structure and deregulation of financial institutions
Packages with Priscilla starting from $400
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Best Practices
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Expert Priscilla Rabb Ayres on this topic.
Pre-Meeting Discovery Process
Review and analysis of your issue with pre-meeting discovery questions by Priscilla, followed by
a 30- or 60-minute one-on-one call.
One+-on-One Call
Your (+colleagues) meeting is directed and focused from the first minute.
Meeting Summary Report
After your call, Priscilla completes a Meeting Summary Report to provide you with the
session’s discussion topics, analysis, assessment and recommendations for next steps.
Post-Meeting Engagement
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