Anti-Money Laundering - Banks - Canada
Every financial institution, money service business, real estate agent, securities dealer, jewellery store and accountant is mandated with the responsibility of developing policies and procedures to combat money laundering. This includes the duty to be aware of trends in money laundering and the ways in which money launderers adapt their methods.
Disrupting funding flows creates a hostile environment for both criminal and terrorist organizations. It forces them to continuously be adaptive and look to the weakest link. To avoid having your organization being viewed as a weak link, it is essential to have systemic safeguards which protect your organization from criminal abuse and to focus on counter-terrorism intelligence.
"Know your customer, know their
business" continues to be the anti-money laundering mantra. But the
responsibilities of staff in financial services have been broadened by
the Proceeds of Crime Act to include not just reporting of attempted
money laundering by organized crime or terrorists, but any illegal
Garry Clement

About Garry
- President, Clement Advisory Group - AML Services
- Officer-in-Charge, Proceeds of Crime, Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- Managing Director, IPSA International, Toronto
- Operations Officer, Executive Diplomatic Protection, assigned to Canadian President Chretien
- Foreign Service Liason Officer, Hong Kong
- Garry’s 1996 undercover operation into tobacco smuggling from the US into Canada which resulted in the highest civil penalty against the cigarette companies in Canadian History
- Anti-money laundering risk management and mitigation, security risk assessments, business intelligence services and civil investigations
- Anti-money laundering audits, money laundering risk management mitigation for senior executives within law firms, the securities industry, and the banking sector
- Officer-in-Charge, Proceeds of Crime Branch, Headquarters (2002-2003).
- Assistant Officer-in-Charge, Criminal Operations (2001-2002).
- Officer-in-Charge and Inspector, Integrated Proceeds of Crime Section, Ottawa (1995-2001).
- Operations Officer, Executive Diplomatic Protection Service, Ottawa (1994-1995).
- Liason Officer and Staff Seargeant, Hong Kong (1991-1994).
- Foreign Service Directorate Desk Head, Europe and Western Hemisphere, Ottawa (1990-1991).
Licenses & Certifications
- Rotarian of the Year, 2009-10
- Assistant Commissioner Commendation, 2003, for Proceeds of Crime Leadership
- Received plague from the CIA for “Outstanding Contributions and Support” post, September 11th, 2001
- Commanding Officers’ Commendations x 2 – 1980 & 2000
- Recommended for a CCRA Award of Excellence, 2000
- Commanding Officer’s Appreciation, 1998
- Drug Enforcement Administration Certificate of Appreciation,1994
- Letter of Commendation from the Deputy Commissioner Operations, 1994
- Province of British Columbia Police Citation, 1980
- RCMP Long Service Medal and Silver Bar
Security Clearances
- Board of Advisors, Bullion Management Group, Gold Bullion sales
- Board of Advisors, Pace Global Advantage, International Investment and Immigration Solutions
- Rotary Youth Exchange District 7070 Advisor and Past President of Colborne Rotary Club
- Co-Chair Canadian ACAMS Chapter
- Canadian ACAMS Chapter
- Montreal ACAMS Chapter
- Vancouver ACAMS Chapter
Keynote Speeches
- Presentation on Proceeds of Crime to Senate Financial Committee
- Presentation of White-Collar Crime to Liberal Caucus
- Ongoing Key Note Speaker at many national and international conferences focusing on money laundering, white-collar crime and corruption
- Regular guest on National Media commenting on criminal topics
- Financial Action Task Force - Canadian Representative for RCMP
- Asian Pacific Group (FATF)
- Inter-Governmental Committee on Proceeds of Crime
- Licensing Advocates Society on Negotiation Under Duress
- United Nations Panel on Corruption
- Numerous articles published dealing with proceeds of crime, money laundering, corruption and white-collar crime