Meet the Expert

Mark Tonnesen
Partner, StrataFusion
- Partner - StrataFusion
- CIO - Electronic Arts; CIO - McAfee; CIO - Logitech
- VP, Sales Operations & IT - Cisco
- Founding technologist and executive in the establishment of Department of Homeland Security's Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Nominated by U.S. Secretary of Transportation Mineta in November 2001 to assist in the creation of the TSA and secure the 435 commercial airports in the United States.
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Where is your Data? CIO as Cloud Integration Officer
Partner, StrataFusion
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Build a plan to leverage SaaS/Cloud Services
Understand who and what you have in your organization.
Don't become a "chief irritation officer." Learn how to say yes.
Surround yourself with your innovators.
Share broadly the current use of technology, the application list and technology list, in your enterprise.
Mandate those areas where you want to leverage the cloud and where you want to protect your data.
Develop a security strategy for data management.
Create an "integrations" map and leverage it. . . early and often.

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Best practices today.
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Where is your Data? CIO as Cloud Integration Officer:
Best Practices
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