Meet the Expert

Gary MacDonald
Principal, Senior Consultant, Monkey Forest Consulting Ltd.
- 20 years working with communities undergoing complex social change on four continents, and nine years as a social assessor of extractive and agroforestry projects. Has helped dozens of extractive companies manage company/community dynamics and build strong relationships with their communities.
- Combines line management experience on billion-dollar mega projects with multinational director-level experience; guides investors and managers through international social performance standards.
- Projects in both Congos, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Guinea, Ethiopia, Mauritania, Turkey, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, South Africa, Madagascar, Peru, Chile, Panama, Guatemala, Bolivia, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Canada, the United States, Sweden and New Caledonia.
- Experience resolving community-project conflict prompted his involvement in groundbreaking UN Global Compact work on conflict and revenue transparency.
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Social Performance Management
Principal, Senior Consultant, Monkey Forest Consulting Ltd.
Defined Terms
- Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
- Corporate philanthropic initiatives aimed at improving conditions in the communities where the business operates, such as clean water, education and social welfare. The initiatives may or may not relate to the company's line of business.
- Equator Principles
- Global standards for social performance management, created by a group of financial institutions that provide financing for projects. The principles establish a framework and set minimum performance standards on issues such as labor issues and treatment of indigenous people in the project area.
- GRI, or Global Reporting Initiative
- A nonprofit organization that promotes the use of reporting on the sustainability aspects of a project, in order to encourage more sustainable development. It has created a sustainability report framework that is used around the world.
- Indigenous communities
- Native, aboriginal or tribal communities, which often have been living in an area for generations and have a particular attachment to the land or area.
- Social impact risk analysis
- A thorough analysis of the ways that a project -- such as a highway, a mine or a dam -- would affect local communities and the potential conflicts that could arise.
- Social performance management
- How a company manages the impact of its projects on local communities in order to establish constructive relationships with local communities and to reduce conflicts that could create risk for the project.
- Stakeholder analysis
- Identifying the groups, individuals, governments or organizations that would be affected by or have a stake in a project and how they relate to each other. It's a crucial element for successful risk management.
- Strategic social investing
- Using an organization's financial resources – in real funding or in kind – to invest in projects and programs that create benefits for stakeholders and align community interests and company values, goals and objectives.
Social Performance Management:
Defined Terms
Expert Topic