Meet the Expert

Michael Walls PhD
Professor and Director - Division of Economics and Business, Colorado School of Mines
- Professor and Director of the Division of Economics and Business at the Colorado School of Mines specializing in the areas of strategic decision making, business strategy, and risk management, with a particular emphasis on applications in the petroleum sector.
- Main research interests are in the areas of petroleum valuation, corporate risk management, and the integration of decision analysis and portfolio management in the corporate context.
- Relying on technical developments in the areas of decision analysis, finance and business strategy. provides clients with the ability to improve their decision quality and create value.
- Clients include: Amoco, Anadarko Petroleum, BP Exploration, Cabot Oil and Gas, ExxonMobil, Hess Corporation, Occidental Petroleum, Penn-Virginia Oil Company, Petrobras Petroleos Brasiliero, Phillips Petroleum, Schlumberger, Texaco
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Risk Management and Strategic Decision Making for the Petroleum Industry
Professor and Director - Division of Economics and Business, Colorado School of Mines
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Utilize a combination of finance-based and decision science techniques to improve the quality of your firm's decision making.
Utilize portfolio modeling and finance-based techniques to determine an ideal mix of opportunities.
Understand and measure your company’s risk tolerance and factor that into your decision making process.
Use value-of-information techniques to make more systematic and rational decisions on information purchases.
Utilize Monte Carlo simulation techniques to simultaneously consider multiple uncertainties and their impacts.
Use advanced econometric and decision analysis models to guide the bid decision-making process.
Use objective and subjective techniques and ongoing feedback to improve the overall quality of risk assessment.
Use multi-objective decision analysis to determine the appropriate trade-offs when confronted with multiple objectives.
Use comprehensive models that integrate multiple techniques.

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Risk Management and Strategic Decision Making for the Petroleum Industry:
Best Practices
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