Ted Judson
- Launched and relaunched more than 350 products during 22 years at Electronic Arts
- Launched Brands (Gonzo Games), Services (ea.com) and Platforms (EA Mobile)
- Advertising executive for consumer food products such as Orville Redenbacher Popcorn, Maxwell House Coffee and Country Time Lemonade and financial service products for Wells Fargo and American Express

- All 7 Best Practices
- Pre-Meeting Discovery Process
- One-on-One Call with Expert
- Meeting Summary Report
- Post-Meeting Engagement

Product Life Cycle Management
Key Trends
- Product life cycles are unpredictable.
All aspects of product management are changing rapidly and at unpredictable speeds. Product Development, Distribution, Packaging, Promotion, Advertising – all these elements can affect product life cycle and make life cycle management unpredictable.
- Product and service life cycles are getting shorter.
AOL was the largest Internet provider just 20 years ago. Now, it is just a shell company. Lotus 1-2-3? Gone. Brands of blue jeans seem to last a week. No product/service/brand is too big to fail. Brands that prevail change. Look at Banana Republic. BR started out selling army/navy surplus and travel books. Now it is high end casual clothing. The point is product life cycles are shorter and you need to:
- Listen to your customers- both retail and end users constantly
- Lead not follow- do not imitate your competition
- Pick new technologies wisely- choose innovations that are meaningful to your target audience
- Elimination of barriers to entry accelerates product life cycles.
Geographic barriers are gone for distribution of virtual products and are dissolving for physical products. Virtual content is already accessible worldwide. Access to physical products is accelerating at ever-increasing rates because of the buying power and product access available to huge brick-and-mortar outlets like Whole Foods. Add to that the ability of virtual retailers like Amazon to deliver physical goods with astounding immediacy.