Meet the Expert

Alan Tuck
Senior Advisor, The Bridgespan Group
- More than 40 years experience in strategic and operating leadership.
- Works with clients on issues of strategy and scale across a wide range of fields; particularly active with national networks serving disadvantaged youth populations, public education, and voluntary health networks.
- Has worked with more than 30 networks, including Boys and Girls Clubs of America, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, YMCA, America’s Promise Alliance, Communities in Schools, NatureServe, Alzheimer's Association, Salvation Army, National Academy Foundation, Public Education Network, and United Way Worldwide.
- Joined Bridgespan after 13 years in the biotechnology industry – as chief strategic officer of Organogenesis, the first company to successfully develop a living human skin replacement product; president and CEO of T Cell Sciences; VP marketing and business development for Biogen; EVP and chief strategic officer for Biocode; and chief strategic officer for ImmuLogic.
- Before entering the biotech industry, Alan was a manager at Bain & Company and spent 13 years in the diesel engine industry.
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Optimizing Alignment, Impact and Sustainability of Nonprofit Networks
Senior Advisor, The Bridgespan Group
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Align the entire network around a common understanding of the mission and the development of a strategic plan.
Ensure that the national board owns (not just approves) the plan decisions.
Connect with local boards as well as local staff leadership.
Align your strategy, target beneficiaries and intended impact to improve network performance.
Drive performance improvement with a succession of positive steps rather than an audit mentality.
Ensure that the entire network owns alignment of network improvement.
Engage the capabilities of local organization experts to gain buy-in across the network.
Create a clear communication plan.
Make sure that funders and networks move beyond a transactional relationship to work as partners.

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Best practices today.
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Optimizing Alignment, Impact and Sustainability of Nonprofit Networks:
Best Practices
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