Meet the Expert

Karla Zens
Director of Marketing, Stok
- Leads CP Green, the green brokerage program of Capital Pacific, a national commercial real estate firm with sales of $7.13 billion in 49 states across the U.S.
- A leader and frequent speaker for ICSC RetailGreen, the leading retail-focused green real estate conference in the U.S.
- Co-chair of the 2013 ICSC RetailGreen Conference and member of the executive committee of the US Green Building Council's Bay Bridge branch.
- Advisor to Cole Valley Partners, a boutique real estate investment and consulting firm that prioritizes investing in and repositioning assets into green buildings.
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Navigating Green Real Estate for Owners and Investors
Director of Marketing, Stok
See the first Best Practice free or
Purchase All Best Practices on this topic for $100.00.
Learn about current energy disclosure policies and compliance paths.
Begin benchmarking buildings and consider property efficiency when reviewing investments.
Engage stakeholders and service providers (boss, shoppers, employees, property managers, brokers) in your sustainability plan.
Learn about technologies that improve building efficiency and pursue projects with a quick payback.
Take advantage of the latest financing tools available to fund efficiency projects.
Incorporate energy disclosure policies into leasing documents.
Identify ways for landlord/tenant cooperation in whch benefits are shared.

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Navigating Green Real Estate for Owners and Investors:
Best Practices
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