Meet the Expert

Clayton Banks
Executive Producer, Ember Media Corp.
- More than 20 years experience consulting with clients seeking to engage multicultural audiences through digital technology and social media.
- Clients have included MTV, Discovery Networks, Scholastic, United Technologies, Denny's, The Employment Channel, the Greater Talent Network.
- A leader of efforts to transform Harlem into a center for technology innovation as a way to bring tech companies and startups to upper Manhattan.
- 10 years experience as a cable network executive with Showtime Networks, the Sega Channel and Comedy Central.
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Multicultural Marketing and Communications
Executive Producer, Ember Media Corp.
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Build trust through experience.
Develop a social media strategy that is multicultural.
Use a multicultural 'social graph' to generate global impact.
Implement a multicultural, multi-platform marketing strategy.
Budget for success.
Create smart and personalized messaging.
Share culturally relevant and engaging content consistently.
Define and implement a segmentation strategy.

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Multicultural Marketing and Communications:
Best Practices
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